

Social Entrepreneurship Program for People with Disabilities-S.E.N.D.A

Social Entrepreneurship Program for People with Disabilities-S.E.N.D.A

SENDA is a 3-month residential program specially designed to provide training on social entrepreneurship to people with disabilities, and facilitate access to seed capital. The focus of this program is to provide practical skills.

Students selected into SENDA gain direct admission into FUNIC’s startup incubator.

The Program

The curriculum is made up of 14 general courses and 4 specialization courses. Students complete all the units of FELA's School to work (S2W) program and specialize in Social Entrepreneurship. 

General Courses:

Leadership: This course trains students to inspire themselves and others to become change agents in their communities, in their organizations, and in the African continent. Ethics and integrity are the major focus of the leadership course. 

 Personal Branding,Confidence and Motivation: people, just like products have distinctive features which must be projected in order to make them stand out. This course trains students to highlight and communicate their distinctive features in a professional and ethical manner.

World report: A course like no other!!! This course was especially designed by FELA to train students to receive, analyze, and communicate information like professionals.

Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship: how can a young man/woman fresh from school identify business opportunities, exploit them, and sustain them? How can an employee in an organization contribute to the growth of the organization as if they founded it? These questions are answered in this course.

Savings and Credit: Raising start-up capital is a big problem in our business environment. This course trains students to cultivate the culture of small savings and how to acquire loans from business start-up. They are taught about business proposals and the writing of business plans.

IT and office management: Information Technology is the new big thing in business, education, and life! We train our students to use IT to achieve objectives in their places of work/ business.

Cameroon Business environment: Understanding the political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, Technological, Ecological and Legal factors that affect business operations is imperative for business students.

Business Maths: This course focuses on training students to develop skills to help them analyze business statistics and make informed decisions.

Volunteerism: Developing the right attitude starts from realizing that we do not always need to expect something for everything we give. This course trains students to develop a giving attitude, which is a must for social entrepreneurship.

Business English: The different sectors of the economy make use of jargons that reflect their realities. Entrepreneurship and Leadership are no exceptions. This course will help students learn the jargons of their selected field of studies.

Working French: Cameroonians live and work in an environment where bilingualism provides numerous opportunities. Business French trains students to work with the French language.

Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: For organizations to survive team members need to see themselves as part of a family. This course teaches students Altruism, Sportsmanship and other pillars of OCB.

Inter-religious dialogue: Most conflicts in the world have been provoked by religious intolerance. While this is not religious studies, it was designed to train students to live in peace with people, no matter their religious affiliations.

Time Management: Effective time management helps increase productivity and reduce stress. This course trains students to stay organized, keep a clear mind and be more productive.


  •  Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Creating Sustainable impact
  • Social Enterprise start-up and Development

Final project: Here, students pool it all together by gathering and analysing data aimed at starting a business.